Vice Provost for International Activities

About the position

The vice provost for international activities (VPIA) provides intellectual leadership, guidance, and oversight of the Institute’s international policies and engagements. The VPIA is an advocate for responsible international collaborations that advance the frontiers of knowledge and enable innovative, multidisciplinary partnerships in order to solve the world’s great challenges. The VPIA also champions the role international activities play in sustaining and enhancing MIT’s excellence in education and research.

The VPIA reports to the provost and is a member of Academic Council. The role sponsors the faculty-led International Advisory Committee and the International Coordinating Committee and serves as president of MIT International, an MIT entity that supports and facilitates the Institute’s global presence. As a member of the Senior Risk Group, as well as the Gift Acceptance Committee, the role also oversees a process for reviewing international engagements that may pose elevated institutional risks for MIT.

Committees on which the vice provost serves

Committees that report to the vice provost