Academic continuity planning update: new remote teaching resource site

March 10, 2020
Ian A. Waitz, Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate and Graduate Education | Krishna Rajagopal, Dean for Digital Learning, 2017–2022 |

To: All faculty and instructors

cc: Undergraduate and graduate administrators and officers, academic officers, deans, and department heads


As mentioned in our letter to you yesterday afternoon, we now have guidance available to help you prepare for remote teaching:

Thanks to our amazing colleagues in Open Learning, The Teaching + Learning Lab, and IS&T for their hard work in creating this site.

Please distribute this information and/or share this note throughout your DLCs.

Ian & Krishna

Ian A. Waitz, Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate and Graduate Education and Jerome C. Hunsaker Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Krishna Rajagopal, Dean for Digital Learning and William A. M. Burden Professor of Physics